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Website SEO optimization pay attention to what problems

Source: Popularity: 3338 Published time: 2019-04-16 14:58:52

1, the website must be configured before the TDK, and try to have a certain article to Baidu included

Many such cases have been encountered before, and a lot of content on the website has not been configured, resulting in premature inclusion by Baidu。It is very dangerous to change the title, keywords, description and other content after inclusion, because the new station has a very low weight, after resubmitting TDk, it will greatly affect SEO, the content is the same, many test articles need to be deleted, if included, there will be a dead chain。所以,SEOIt is recommended that the website should be added between the line as far as possible. If some content must be debuted on the line, it is recommended to set the robots to prohibit inclusion, and then change it to allow inclusion after debugging, and then update the robots in the webmaster background。

Website SEO pay attention to what problems

2, do not pay attention to the URL of the website

This is a common mistake that many novice Seoers make。Many people do not pay attention to the URL of the website, resulting in many urls that are particularly long, or irregular, or are directly a php file followed by different parameters to display different content, and even several different links to the same content。This is also very deadly, because this Baidu spider will also be covered, do not know the structure of the site is how, indexed nature is not good where to go。

3. The server speed is slow or unstable

Many SEO people do not pay so much attention to the server, in fact, this is also a misunderstanding。Because if Baidu spiders grab our website when the website can not open or open too slowly, Baidu's score for this site will be reduced, and naturally it will affect the ranking。Similarly, the opening speed and stability of the website will also affect the customer experience, and Baidu's ranking is to see the customer experience。所以,We often need to observe the crawl of the website through Baidu webmaster tools background,If the capture failed,Or other things in the captured report like timeouts,Unable to connect,dns error and other error messages,Don't take it lightly,Check in time,See what went wrong,And then troubleshoot the problem,Timely solution,Avoid the impact on Baidu's crawling and customer experience。

4, frequently change the website title, keywords

Not the title of the site,Keywords can't be changed after they're online,I'm just saying we have to be very careful when we change this,Because the impact of changing TDK on the website is very large,Change the title of the site,keyword,Description can affect the search engine's trust in the website,As trust decreases, the rankings will naturally suffer。And TDK must not change often, only business needs, do not change can not, in order to refer to the experience of SEO veterans, make changes to the website TDK, and the update of the content after the change must keep up, to avoid greater impact on the website。

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