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Mobile phone wechat shows 17 industry categories can query the relative type of small program, you were shot?

Source: Popularity: 1970 Published time: 2019-12-11 14:15:05

Wechat mini programIt will be released on January 9, 2017。在微信In the open class, Zhang Xiaolong confirmed that wechat is not easy to do a small program store,Wechat mini programThere is no secure channel in wechat。

Now, Xiaobian found China's first example of "small program store" (it is the key design and development of the popular recommendation AppSo star products, and has long been in the third day of the release of small programs, it has long carried out the original shape of the goods。

If you have already made a small program, now, go to the "small program store" to publish and share it, but also get the small program report opportunity Oh!

This "small program Store" is like the App Store and app store that everyone knows。Here, thousands of small programs can meet their own guiding ideology customers。

In the above column, the integrated service platform provides 17 industry categories according to the service level provided by wechat。Click on the category name, you can look up the relative category of the small program。

Each mini program card displays the mini program name, picture avatar, category, customer rating, publisher, number of shared resources and number of concerns, and the following three are not displayed on the mobile side。

Move the computer mouse to the "grab fresh" button in the upper right corner of the mini program card, or click the small two-dimensional code button on the right side of the card on the mobile end, you can adjust the two-dimensional code and enter the relative mini program。

If you want to find outWechat mini programClick on the card to enter the details page of the applet。It shows mobile phone screenshots with small programs, detailed introduction, and user feedback。

If you use a computer to go to the minapp store page (minapp.com), click the "release small program" button, you can grab fresh let customers find your small program。

The raw materials that must be filled out are also relatively simple, including the product name, small program two-dimensional code, small program URL (optional) [Attached: wechat small program design and development and adjustment compiler operation method (example)], baby description, logo, product ICON, product phone screenshot。

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